Mel Lathouras Fearless Singer Podcast

Podcast for Singers 
Overcoming Fear to
LIVE LARGE - Unapologetically!

Join your painfully honest, humorous, big-hearted host, Fearless Singer Mel Lathouras, to talk about what’s holding us Singers back from living our dreams. 

This podcast is about empowering Singers to undo fear-based narratives that stop us from singing and expressing ourselves fully, creating our dream projects & music businesses. And talk to absolute bosses who are doing this work and succeeding.

Let's rise together! 

Mel Lathouras Fearless Singer Podcast Emma Sparks

Episode Highlights

Join us as we reunite with the AMAZING Katerini Manolatos, a singer, music therapist, now producer, and my dear friend. 

If you tuned into her episode last year, you might remember her story and insights into her Greek heritage and her music therapy journey. 

Since then, we've embarked on musical adventures together, including performances in Brisbane's Greek Choir, Ellinikes Fones, and the creation of our very own production company, Girl From Greece.

🎤 Highlights of the Episode:

✨ The Birth of Girl From Greece: Delve into how Katerini and I established "Girl From Greece," a dynamic project driven by a profound purpose. Discover the driving force behind this project and how it fuels our passion for music and community.

✨ Our debut Girl From Greece concert: Here about all the behind-the-scenes as we prepare for our debut concert on Saturday, 23 September 2023. 

✨ Greek Connection and Beyond: Explore the incredible power of friendship, family, and community as we share personal stories that reflect the profound influence of Greek culture on our lives and music.

✨ Manifesting Dreams: If you dream of bringing a project to life, this episode is your source of inspiration. Uncover the secrets to turning your aspirations into reality as we discuss our journey from idea to creation.

 🎟️ Join the Journey: Curious about our Girl From Greece Concert or eager to book tickets? Find all the details you need here. Immerse yourself in the power of music and culture as you experience the beauty of our upcoming concert.

📻 Extra Treat: Discover the enchanting world of Greek stories beyond our podcast! Catch us on Kate O'Toole's Music Rabbit Hole segment on ABC Brisbane Radio. We share tales of the Lathouras diaspora story and how music rekindled our connection to our Greek roots. Listen in at the 1:00:00 mark here.

🌍 Share Your Story: We're eager to hear your cultural background and how music influences your connection to it. Leave a comment or DM me on Instagram @mellathouras 

Mel ❤️‍🔥🎵🎤

P.S. Prefer to watch our interview, you can do this here. 


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Mel Lathouras 0:00
G'day, welcome to another episode of Fearless Singer. Well, I'm delighted. Because I have one of my best friends and collaborators can already met a lot of us. You're not new to the podcast?

Katerini Manolatos 0:13
Or you know, I'm not sure we had a chat a little while ago about music therapy, I think and being Greek. That's yeah, that

Mel Lathouras 0:20
was probably about a year ago. I think you're probably one of my first guests. To be honest. So we've we've had a lot of exciting things happen. Since then. We've we've done a concert together through Ellinikes Fones. That's the Greek choir, that cat and our mate Christina. Yeah, put together with George Christina's partner. And yeah, so we've we've had a couple of concerts. And we've also started a project together. And it's called girl from Greece. Yay. Because we're very much interested in, you know, our stories and our stories through music. And in particular, our our mothers and our grandmothers and our aunties stories, can you want to talk through a little bit about the project?

Katerini Manolatos 1:16
Yeah. And like you just said, then Mel, it's really sort of, yeah, having a cup of coffee. It's really sort of grown out of this connection with us growing up as part of the Greek Diaspora which is people who present as you know, represent as Greek heritage, who live in other places in the world. And there's millions of us around, you know, not just Australia and America and South Africa and Canada, and still really connect very strongly with their Greek culture. So go from Greece sort of sprouted out of this idea that we kept talking about this experience. And we kept working on projects. And there's more to come that we were talking more about our Greek heritage and exploring that so. And people were wanting more, I feel like we have this beautiful audience. And as we keep developing, we get these people coming out of the woodwork that want to know more about what we do and want to share their stories. And so we sort of needed a place to put all of that and give it a name. Because I think half the time you sort of go yes, that's what I do. But where is that? Is that in this business that I do? Is it in that business? And the melanoma like, why don't we just make a business and so here we are go from Greece. And it's a it's a landing place for all of those things. And it started off with us, the two of us, and now it's growing to include more people and more experiences and more music and more culture.

Mel Lathouras 2:45
Absolutely. And it also started with our shared love of nonnamous glory. I was about to say, Katherine, you man a lot.

Katerini Manolatos 2:55
It does. It does start from

Mel Lathouras 2:56
oh my gosh, it's Friday morning. It's been a big way. But it started with my love of calibrating. And then, but we also have a shared love of Nana Mouskouri. And we actually we started Yeah, a couple of sort of micro concert. Yes, singing her work and talking about our stories and talking about her story and drawing parallels. And we have we can't really talk much about it. But we actually have a very big project about anonymous Gallery, which will happen next year, hopefully around Brisbane festival time. But in the meantime, we actually have a concert coming up on the 23rd of September. And that's going to be at Speak Up studio in Spring Hill. That's probably the first time I got the name. Did you see my

Unknown Speaker 3:48
nod? Well done. Well, because I

Mel Lathouras 3:51
speak out for a good mom. Yeah. And yeah, so we're going to we've just created a lot of lot of music that's close to our heart. Some Nana songs, but yeah, but a nice collection and we're also collaborating with Christina. CD legno. And did I say her last name? Probably.

Katerini Manolatos 4:16
I don't know whether it's more CV CD livanova Felix's CD, but it looks like an X when you see it. Yeah. glish so that's always tricky.

Mel Lathouras 4:25
Yes. So she's a dear friend and just a phenomenal musician. Incredible. She honestly she's our Maestro in Eleni Keyspan is and like, it's just a masterclass, watching her work. So she'll be performing with us as well and George on piano, and it's actually really excited. Yeah, who are we bringing?

Katerini Manolatos 4:49
We're bringing people from the top of Australia, Paul Chantrill my guitarists that I have been collaborating with for the last 10 years. I reckon it's that Yeah, yeah, I know, who is an incredible guitarist and just just open to exploring all types of music and because I started singing a bit of Greek music, he was really enthusiastic. So that sort of started that journey of collaborating and it's taken us to Greece and it's taken us all around Australia. And then we have Nicolas Papa. Papa Demetrio, who is Bouzouki player who we met Paul and I met when we did the Greek Lonsdale festival in Melbourne. And he was our bouzouki player. And he was such a great player and such a great guy, just such a beautiful person. So I feel like we found a lovely little crew there.

Mel Lathouras 5:43
I haven't met Paul yet, but I met Nico. He was he was here as part of the Rebetiko concert. Yeah, conducted by Georgia Ellis. That was a couple of months ago. But yeah, this guy is just has his Joie de vive. And yeah, very, very passionate about the music, which is really exciting. So yeah, that was through a musical Odyssey. Yes, yeah. When did you find that?

Katerini Manolatos 6:09
Um, so we found that we didn't call it a musical odyssey for a little while. We started off singing at the younger Bara folk festivals, Paul and I, he needed a singer for some of his original works. And we met at something I don't know what it was some, you know, music workshop thing in Cannes, and sort of just, I don't know, fell into friendship. And so we did the younger bar Folk Festival. Then we started to decide we wanted to do a little bit more in the Greek. And so we did some concerts in Cannes, and we called the concert, a musical Odyssey. And that's where it sort of started and we were like, Oh, I sort of like this name. It sort of connects to the Odyssey, which is where my dad's from the island of Ithaca. Think Ulysses the other sour. So we thought that sounds really beautiful, very Greek. Yeah. And that sort of started that sort of journey. Then we picked up a lovely bouzouki player caster, Wasil facili, who's now a retired was lucky player from Sydney. And he was like, just a staple in Sydney music bands and phenomenal musician as well. And so then we bought that together. And we started touring Australia. And then we thought, let's go to Greece. So Paul, and I went to Greece, and we presented all of our music to Greek audiences. So our Greek, Australian inspired music. And I think that's something that, you know, Mel and I have been just talking about this morning that, you know, we can't deny that we are Australian born with Greek heritage, and so that, that gives a new experience to the music as well. And surprisingly, when we were in Greece, we, you know, we didn't know how people would take our music because there was a difference. You know, some of the music were all of the music that we presented, they had no bouzouki. And they loved it. They were just like, Oh, we love that interpretation. It was beautiful, something new, something different, something we hadn't heard from before. So that's what we want to sort of keep bringing to our audiences is something new, and something they haven't heard before, but still retaining the spirit of the Greek music in there and our spirit as well.

Mel Lathouras 8:26
That's right, because yeah, that's just the fact that we moved here. And we live here. Yeah, we were both born. Yes. You know, it's a big part of who we are. Actually, you mentioning that? When you were in Greece. A lot of the audience's loved your accent. Yeah. Love the Australian accent, you know, with the group. Yeah. When

Speaker 2 8:48
I would say words like, cardio, cardio. And, you know, I don't know, if you're not Greek, you probably just go oh, that sounds very lovely. But it's not quite right. They're much stronger on the the kind of the ER or so it's just sounds different. But yeah, you can really hear the Australian accent and they were like, cool. That's really cute. We really liked that. I was like, oh, okay, that's cool. I'd be really trying to fix that. But I just got I can't move it. The Aussie is still so strong in there.

Mel Lathouras 9:18
I have a cousin who lives in Athens is in a really successful jazz band. Yeah, gotcha. Oh, yeah. Did I say that correctly? I possibly not. You might Australian way. Gadget Eli. And my auntie. Yeah. Took like, Millis demo, over the shower. And she's like, Oh, Melissa is trying to sing in Greek. She does try. She

Unknown Speaker 9:46
does. We're trying we're trying hard.

Mel Lathouras 9:50
I don't speak Greek. So actually, if we're talking about like quantities, I'm a quarter Greek and it's always been my I guess my claim to fame. My mother even wrote a poem for me to do in the 70s. Severed called, I'm a quarter Greek. And it was to me that Yeah, to excuse my excessive hand movements, because I always used to be critiqued, that was one of the things that I'd had my hands did more of the talking. DNA is very strong, very strong. But yeah, so it like coming back to the Australian element is, I identify first as, yeah, no, it's different for you, you know, you've got a, you know, stronger cultural heritage. My, my grandfather, married in Australian so he and his brother didn't he married a, you know, a Greek woman, and they had more of a traditional Greek life. Whereas my grandfather, didn't he sort of bucked convention. Yeah. And this was one of the byproducts.

Katerini Manolatos 11:00
Oh, it's so interesting. And I think that's the conversation we keep having about how, you know that heritage has shaped who we are, and how we experience things. And yeah, like, I really connect with that sometimes, because we, we did have a very strong Greek upbringing, but then, you know, my dad was born in Greece, my mum was born here. And her parents came out when they were quite young, that first generation, and they had cafe, a cafe in Byron Bay. So there wasn't like no other Greeks there. So, you know, they really did, in essence, grow up Australian, all of them, but with very strong connections to Greek and then, yeah, we still feel like we, we will pushing against that sometimes particularly in like my upbringing that we we, you know, pursued the arts and electoral my sisters are artistic on the singer and music therapist, and my sister's, a chef and my other sisters are creative director of a big company. So it's like, yeah, we sort of bucked that a little bit as well, within and all of that Ferris side of the family are all like entrepreneurs and, and have just done their own interesting things. So yeah, even within that, it's there's different experiences. And I think this is what the Jewish matchmaker to quote the Jewish matchmaker, I don't know if you've seen that. So I love her. Yes. So. And she said, You know, there's, I can't remember the stats, and I think it was a throwaway stat anyway. But like, there's, you know, 2 billion Jewish people on the planet, and there's 2 billion different ways of being Jewish. And I was like, yes, that is that exactly. It. I think we, and there's, you know, however, many billion people in Australia have ways of being Australian as well. So, you know, we just really love exploring that and our connections to culture.

Mel Lathouras 12:54
That's brilliant. Yeah, I love that. I didn't take that. Yeah. I must have been in a bit of a food coma when that happened. That's beautiful. Because yeah, that's it there. You know, we do have commonalities. Yeah, in, in whatever culture, but, you know, we're all shaped differently by our family stories, you know, different belief system us. You mentioned that your family are all, you know, creative entrepreneurs. Same with our family, too. But I think that is actually a very strong connection with with the Greeks that came over here, because it was very much about, you know, building your own business, because it was a tricky, tricky to get into the workforce, when, at the time at different times of migration. Yeah. So you were pretty much either you started a business or, you know, you worked at some kind of, you know, in some kind of labour.

Katerini Manolatos 13:53
Yeah, exactly. And I think that's really something we've both bonded on is our Yeah, our families have both been in cafes, and very strong in that creek cafe culture. And I think that's, you know, that really comes back to that warmth and hospitality that we really, we want that to be very strong. And I think even when we've put our tickets out there, you know, it's it is an experience of family and friendship as well, because that's really important to us. And, and, you know, I suppose so much of our lives, perhaps I don't know, but this is somehow my experience. It's been like, you sort of push that down a little bit like how, you know, friendly we are and we've just met somebody and we're very happy to cook you a meal and come over. Whereas now we're just like, No, this is who we are. And you're going to experience that. Whenever you meet us. And whenever you come to one of our concerts, this is about being part of our family. Now. You know, whether you like it or not

Mel Lathouras 14:56
your family it's a great coat But no it you are you are an extension of our video when you absolutely the hospitality. It's just part of who we we are

Unknown Speaker 15:12
Yeah, we can help it.

Mel Lathouras 15:14
Interestingly actually, so my grandfather with his brother and his uncle, all kind of Uncle ran a cafe in Bundaberg. And so, you know, their father and uncle ran it before them. But yeah, granddad was known for feeding a lot of the homeless, you know, in Bundaberg at the time, so there'd be like lineups out the door. And Cat said, Yeah, my grandfather did exactly the same thing in Byron Bay. It just was just this, like, no one in this town while I'm in it is going to be hungry. Yes,

Katerini Manolatos 15:53
yeah. Yeah, exactly. I think that philanthropy is really strong. And um, you know, that's what I feel is really strong in the Brisbane Greek community anyway, like, you know, how many organisations are there to help people and I'm I mean, my mum is my aunties have all been very heavily involved with that the Philip doors and the welfare and, you know, just helping people feeding people. And yeah, I think we need to do the same when we're gonna do the same. Yeah, we'll fill them with food, and love and music,

Mel Lathouras 16:24
and music. Most importantly, is music. And I know we covered this in our last podcast episode, but I think it's worth just yeah, just talking through your background when you're young. How did you know that? I don't know that you could sing or that or not even that, that you love to sing? Yeah. When was the kind of the moment for you? Well,

Katerini Manolatos 16:49
I have to say I was always singing and always making music. We were put through piano lessons. From a young age, my mum actually opened a hole all her siblings in Byron Bay in those times, my grandmother and grandfather paid for private tutoring. So they could have piano lessons, violin lessons, and Greek lessons. So they really valued the arts. So that was just something that continued with us naturally. And, you know, I played piano, my sister played the saxophone, the other sister also played with a piano and violin as well. And I played the euphonium. Tuba too, by the way, I can't forget that I can say that really helped with all my breath support. So, you know, we were just always singing in the car, always singing. And I think there was a time when I was about 11, and mum, and I was singing in the car and mum said, Oh, you've got a really nice voice. And I said, Oh, yeah, like, all the teachers have been saying that at school. And she's like, Why didn't you tell me this? And I was like, oh, no, just because it's something I've always done. And so she said, you know, would you like to have singing lessons? And I was like, what's that? I didn't know you could learn to sing. I just thought it was something he does could do. You know, because my dad has a beautiful voice and he would always be singing, you know, we've had cassettes on all the time, you know, even now. I live we live underneath my parents and I can hear the YouTube blasting with Greek music going you know, all the time. He used it a lot as therapy in our lives. So that was just you know, the moment and then that was it. It just took off and I was doing singing lessons and then I did the young Conservatorium, and then natural progression was to audition for the Conservatorium to get into the vocal programme. So it just flowed on I have to say, I sort of felt I was just one of those kids that just fell into it. But in saying that, I think that but Mum said to me, you were always practising You were always at the piano and never had to tell you to practice. You know, you were always progressing, because I just had this natural desire to do it. And I think when I started teaching vocals, Judas in my future, you could really see those people who just it didn't matter about what anyone perceived them to sound like but they just had the drive and they just wanted to do it for their own feeling. And so I think I was just one of those natural singers that yeah, just really fell into it

Mel Lathouras 19:27
we're so opposite I would give my singing teacher a nervous breakdown Oh, he'd like before exams Oh, rock in particular. She wasn't she was like stepping SATs on you. I just wanted to get up on stage without doing any work and just saying because I thought I could. But yeah, we both actually grew up doing classical Yeah, and then Katarina went and studied classical music. However, I went down the the jazz route Um, um, but it's interesting that, you know, we like I remember being 17 I wanted to be Marika, yes. You know, whereas I

Speaker 2 20:08
wasn't. So we talked. I was like, I don't really know. Yeah,

Mel Lathouras 20:13
I can't even like I, in particular, I haven't developed the warble that she had in her late 50s. It was very strange. But yeah, but you went, Okay, now I'm gonna try and make a career out of classical. And you did, but then you've come back to what you love. Yeah. Isn't that Yeah, amazing. And also, like, good on you. Because you couldn't you could have kept going down this route. And not really just feeling being out of alignment with with that. Yeah. And a lot of people do that.

Speaker 2 20:51
I know, it's a really interesting reflection, I think as you as you in this place. And I think, I think a lot of it was self doubt, you know, like, I really reflect, and I hear myself back then and go, Wow, cat, like, you had an incredible voice. Like, I remember going to a workshop. And, and the presenter there said, you know, I think you should come to New York, and study with me. And I was like, Dad, a dad was Richard biller. And that never happens. And I was just like, that, like, I had a very strong, lovely Metso sound like, you know, he was like, you know, Mozart's written all over you. And then yeah, and then I just felt like, I wanted to do more with the music. And that's when I fell into music therapy, and I love my music therapy work. And now it's like, yeah, it's coming to the music now with my connection to it with my Greek connection, and also that connection of community. And, and it's an outlet for me to so when I'm up on stage, Keith Urban talks about this. He, someone asked him, you know, do you get the same feeling when you're onstage as if you're in the audience? And he said, it's exactly the same for me. And isn't that wild? And that's how I feel like I think if I'm in the audience, or I'm on the stage, I just, I'm connecting. So I just want to create these opportunities to connect without having to worry about like, where's the career going? And how, you know, much is invested in being a singer. It's just, this is just something I love to do now, and hopefully, we can sell some tickets. Are

Mel Lathouras 22:29
you following the thread? Yes, there's actually a there's a beautiful Greek song, which is about this idea of, you know, if you're lost at sea. And, you know, imagine that there's this big, you know, net that comes out over you. It's important for you to just follow that one thread. Until

Speaker 2 22:52
the yes, this is Nico Scott sauce. Lyrics are he's, please go into a deep dive on him. He is incredible. He was very close to Nana Mouskouri. They were very, very close friends. And his poetry is just, it's magical. Like it just transports you. But yeah, it's if you are in the darkness, if you are struggling in life, all you need is just to take one thread and hold on to it and let it take you where it's gonna go. And I think, you know, and if you're lucky, you can start again, it is just deep, and beautiful. And just Oh, and it's Sahar co says the composer.

Mel Lathouras 23:35
Yeah, but it's based. Sorry. Yeah, I have that. So

Unknown Speaker 23:40
this is what we do all the time. It's

Mel Lathouras 23:41
all the Greek side and the Australians love to talk over each other. Yeah, it's it's right. But yeah, that's, you know, what you're talking about? Like, I've just you've always just followed that connection, you know? Yeah. That's beautiful. Like, what a great, you know, thing to have. You're at such a young age. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because you, you know, this would have happened sort of in your 20s and 30s. Yeah,

Katerini Manolatos 24:09
exactly. So, yeah, we've just followed the path and seeing where it's gone. But it's interesting where it's LED. And yeah, I think now as well I feel like my voice is just in a really good place. Like it was always a very rich, colourful voice and I remember even my early singing teachers saying that and the you know, those voices need time to settle and mature and not mature so much but for the body and the mind to mature into them. And, you know, we're so rushed in this world to think you know, when you're 20 you should be on the stage and look on the scholar and that's doing your biggest moment and it's like well hang on a minute, that is big work and it takes a lot for your body and your mind to to meet that. So a particularly for me anyway, and so everyone so You know, why are we rushing in this? And I feel like, you know, I'm gonna say I'm in my 40s now, and this is my golden time. I feel like this is it, you know,

Mel Lathouras 25:11
I've just turned 40 and I, honestly, I, I'm so excited about life. I don't know why I feel the need to touch word. Please don't change. But yeah, there is this, honestly, there is a real profound What is it, like a knowing a confidence or something that takes over the body when you turn 40? And you're like, This is? I'm going to do it all. That's it? And we will all the things that, you know, present themselves. Yeah, follow them and see what happens. And, and really, for me, just like, I have no expectations, like in terms of like, I'm not too concerned about the outcome. You know, I'm just really excited about the journey in the ride. Absolutely. And that's how I feel about go from Greece. It's, it's, you know, there are elements to it, which is for a non Greek speaker, it's quite challenging to learn, you know, repertoire in another language. And, you know, I do feel like there are a few mindset blocks around the language, sometimes it just doesn't go in as easy.

Katerini Manolatos 26:24
Yeah. Because you don't have that connection to the lyric like the word. You know, when you say, rainbow, you see the rainbow. I don't even know what the word is in Greek for Rainbow wanna choose that word. But if you say that in Greek, and you don't know what that is, you know, I don't even know what that is. If I sung it, you don't get that visual. So it's not a full body experience right now. So it will just take time for that to happen. Yeah,

Mel Lathouras 26:50
I'm really looking forward to that where it feels a little bit more embodied. Yeah. The language, but we're just talking this morning about even the possibility of taking, you know, one of the Greek songs that I'm, you know, presenting on the 23rd. And actually seeing if I could do like a lyrical translation in English, just as a bit of a bit of a nod to our, you know, our, our language here. Yeah. And also, yeah, see if we can, I don't know, it'd be, that would be a challenge in itself.

Unknown Speaker 27:22
Yeah, definitely take the

Mel Lathouras 27:25
story of a Greek song and see if you can, you can interpret and translate it. That's right. Yeah. So a lot of the metaphors and is completely different, you know, you really have to. That's, I guess that's what's so beautiful about different culture and language is we all have different eyes of, you know, seeing and navigating life. Absolutely, really quite an expanding experience to do that deep dive into other culture. It's almost like you're like, Oh, I've never ever looked at that thing. Like that is like, including that idea. That concept of the threat. You know? Yeah. Are there any other Greek isms? And that's probably a bit of a put you on this?

Speaker 2 28:10
Oh, no, like, I think I think of every song that I ever seen. There's a beautiful song by Manasa Mickey Sal, that I guess so Mickey. So that, I guess, by the lyricist, Yonago seafari. So George Surfaris. And he is another incredible poet. He's a Nobel Prize winner. And the song that he wrote on Odyssey denial, sometimes people call it stop at a rally on the seashore. There is just so many beautiful pictures in your mind when you think of that. So like on the seashore, I wrote your name. And then the wind came and blew it away. You know, it's just like, you just picture that on this silent seashore, and I went to that little cove in in Cyprus, and it was just amazing and beautiful. And that's where he wrote the poetry. There's obviously some very dramatic ones because us Europeans are quite dramatic. Very, very strong feelings this one I think it's actually Nicolas Gotsis again and Mickey sell that I guess 20 Euro Cup knows the dream went up in smoke went up in flames actually, you know, or strong feelings. And you know, even there's a beautiful one too I'm just trying to think of who wrote the lyrics for this one but from the from the old cup of wine we will both drink you know, just to sort of say out were joined in Union forever. It's just there's just so many beautiful that's it's a poetry Yeah.

Mel Lathouras 29:48
So cats dad, Yanni. He actually writes yesterday. Yes,

Speaker 2 29:53
he does. Actually some beautiful poetry. I don't know any of it off by heart. I'm really sorry. worried. But yeah, he would love to share that with you one day, but he wrote a beautiful poem about the marbles, the Greek marbles, that obviously, having a lot of issues with trying to get them back to Greece. And then he wrote one about the living in Ithaca and growing up and then leaving, which is so beautiful. And there's a line in there saying, when you come back, it doesn't matter how old you are, the little to Virgina will always remember you, and it will always shout you a drink. And it's like, ah, like, you can just see that like a little old man coming back to these like home village from being overseas and living in Australia or wherever, all his life and then knowing that there will always be someone that remembers you. And I think it's just beautiful. So yeah, poetry is very powerful. And a lot of the music that we sing is, is sort of I think that that Western culture of art song where the poetry is written, the music sort of written to coincide with that. Yeah, that that's very much the strength of the Greek music that we sing the international style of music. Yeah, and Nana and menos and Nico Scott sauce, did a lot of that together, they wrote, you know, Nicholas would write the lyrics. menos would put them to music, Nana would sing that would sort of work off each other and create beautiful masterpieces.

Mel Lathouras 31:33
Beautiful. I love your dad's reference to you know, you'll always be remembered. Yeah. Because you're you're, you're part of the ecosystem. Yeah, doesn't matter how far you travel, you're still part of that. That ecosystem that orbit? You know, and I think with go from Grace, I think that's what we kind of, not kind of, I think that's what we really want. We want everyone who's in our orbit, you know, to know that you're part of us, you know, and we're proud of you. And, yeah, and I think the 23rd of September, so that's a Saturday night, by the way. It's Spring Hill, I think the parking is going to be okay, just have to park along that main stretch there. And yeah, we just love to think it's just gonna be like a little musical feast, that we're there to present our family and our friends. And you're, you're part of that. So? Yeah, please. Yeah, please come along. And yeah, be part of it for that evening. And then there'll be obviously there'll be more, more where this came from. Definitely, we definitely be putting on more concerts. And then of course, we've got the big one next year, which will be the anonymous glory project that we're cooking up at the moment. But thanks so much for being

Unknown Speaker 32:55
on the podcast. Thanks for having me.

Unknown Speaker 32:57
And thanks for like, interviewing

Unknown Speaker 33:00
you any questions?

Mel Lathouras 33:02
I feel way more comfortable being this,

Unknown Speaker 33:04
okay. That you have to switch it one day, let's be honest,

Mel Lathouras 33:09
you know, honesty is my is my love language when it comes to things like that, but I just think you're wonderful. You so you've honestly, for someone so young, you know, you're only in your 40s, early 40s just want to add, you've just honestly, you've just got you're just a beacon of wisdom. And I feel like you know, just just a little bit of smoke, you know, but I've kept such a calming force, you know, she's, she's a master self regulator, and everybody else comes down. So it's interesting when the big feelings you know, come up, it's, you know, which is in the music, you know, it's in, in our culture, it's in the music. You've got this beautiful way of your thing is scared. Just sit with it. Sit. Sit with it. Accept it. Yes. And then just slowly, slowly.

Unknown Speaker 34:09
Get out. Yeah, exactly.

Mel Lathouras 34:11
I think it's beautiful. Do you have anything any last? Last things you'd like to say?

Unknown Speaker 34:16
No, really? Just.

Unknown Speaker 34:17
Thanks for listening.

Mel Lathouras 34:19
What's your favourite? What's one of your favourite songs at the moment? But you just keep pumping. It doesn't have to be great.

Speaker 2 34:25
Oh, look, I'm a big house music fan. I love Rufus to soul. Listening to some 90s Old Stuff old school but I do love the Greek song thorough past six and if you're gonna write that down that's anonymous. Scurry one Manasa do Bacchus and Nikos Gotsis I don't know there's just something about it. Yeah,

Speaker 3 34:51
that thought Apple Pasic Sanic tail polythene auto Natya lever Anna Sundar more so nasopharyngitis dabra Puma Lavon Gillis Navarro, the leading us info so

Katerini Manolatos 35:07
this is something about it. I don't know. I think I mucked up the words there on the second line, but that's okay. On the spot whenever I'm on the spot. But yeah, just love that. That wilting movement. It's just beautiful.

Mel Lathouras 35:20
Yeah, me Yeah, like oh yeah, trying to show up. I felt it in my body.

Katerini Manolatos 35:25
Yeah, and just Yeah, so Paul's gonna play that one for move. Gonna be amazing. Beautiful.

Mel Lathouras 35:34
Oh, well, thanks so much for listening. And yeah, thanks so much for being here. Thanks. And I guess we'll see you on the 23rd of September. We will not speak up yet. Studios and Springhill it's beautiful theatre. Yeah, really, really pretty. Lots of very Lots. Lots of great music and little supper afterwards.

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