G'day Singer! I'm Mel. 

In a world that craves realness, your unique Voice and Dream Project are needed now more than ever. 

Fearless Singer - the world's BEST Vocal & Mindset Program & Community is here to guide
 you to remove the fear stopping you from your Star of the Stage Success Story. ✨

Quick Facts about me before I launch into my story. I'm a: 

⟢ Gigging Jazz Singer, Songwriter & Professional Speaker - I practice what I preach.

⟢ Australia's Leading Life & Biz Coach for Singers with postgraduate qualifications in Jazz, Vocal Pedagogy & Education 

⟢ Producer of Music Events (including Fearless Singer Showcase & Jam)

⟢ Champion of Women in Music
⟢ Community Builder & Course Creator
⟢ Podcast Host 
⟢ Cat Mother to Count Basie
⟢ 100% Woo (I use my clairvoyance to get you where you need to go)
⟢Seeing you succeed makes my heart explode out of my chest - I'm invested in YOU!

My journey hasn't been a straight-line trajectory. I've faced rejections and obstacles and continually do the healing required to become a
full-time musician and coach. 
And just by showing up, doing the work, accepting my shadow self, and learning to dissolve my fears, I've reached a place where I live my dreams. 

I can help you do the same!


Mel's Bio

As a Jazz Singer and Australia's leading life and business coach for Singers, I'm here to empower and inspire singers at all stages of their musical and creative journeys to break free from fear-based beliefs and limitations to achieve their dreams. 

With my postgraduate qualifications in Music, Vocal Pedagogy, and Education and my extensive expertise in Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP,  and online business, I offer intuitive mentoring, coaching, and online courses to fast-track your success. 

Whether you're looking to overcome stage fright, enhance your vocal technique, create a sustainable and profitable singing career, or unleash your full creative potential, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Listen to my Music

Get the Right Support For Your Goals. 

Our FB Group

It's free, and you can access voice technique and mindset tips and be a part of a growing community of singers at all stages of their singing journeys who are ditching fear-based beliefs to reach their musical and creative goals!

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Fearless Singer Programs

Bust through your Fear-based narratives with the Fearless Singer in person and online courses and workshops - a powerful techniques for Singers with Vocal, Life & Biz Work to fast track your Singing & Creativity and Biz Goals. 

Work with Mel
Group Coaching

A membership that includes weekly coaching, monthly themed classes - from Voice, Mindset to Singer Branding. Join an inspirational community and achieve your singing dreams with tuition and performance.

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Fearless Singer Community


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