Singer Stories: Pam Bourke says "Have a go and don't waste your life in fear." Hear about her journey back to singing.
May 13, 2020
Oh G’day Dear Reader!
I hope iso-life is treating you well and this post finds you in good spirits.
And if hasn’t, then I hope this interview I did with one of my dearest singing students and good friend Pam Bourke, brings you some comfort and inspiration.
I caught up with Pam (over Zoom) to talk about her singing journey, which started when she was a little girl, was put on hold for 20 odd years, and then reignited later in her life.
Pam now gigs around West End here in Brisbane and has the kind of voice that gives you goose bumps.
This is jam-packed full of heartfelt wisdom, courtesy of Pam. Get yourself a cup of tea (and/or vino), relax and enjoy our first edition of Singer Stories
Keep an eye out for another post later this week. I’ve gone and made a whole bunch of new singing exercises for you!
Lots of love
Mel X
P.S. I’m back in the studio doing one-on-one teaching on 18 May! In the meantime, you can have online lessons over Zoom. As long as your Internet is reasonable, this is a great option until we meet again in the flesh. When you book, a zoom link is generated for you.