There are so many brilliant apps on the market now for beginner to experienced singers. Life changing ones in fact,.
Here are three that I cannot do without. I also need to add here that I am no way affiliated with the following.
This will provide you with backing tracks to 1000s of jazz and pop standards. Not only that you can adjust them to your key and change the time feel of each track. You can even create your own charts and play it back to yourself. Trust me, it will be the best $20 you have ever spent!
Avid Scorch seems to be only available for iPad, which is a bit of a bummer. But basically it’s like a digital music folder that holds your Sibelius charts. If you have lesson with me, you know that I have all my jazz charts saved as Sibelius files. Not only will Avid Scorch allow you to view these but can also change the key of your songs, use the playback function to listen to the melody as well as print your charts.
Here’s a video I made for my online jazz course students on how to get started with iReal Pro and Avid Scorch.
The Amazing Slow Downer (ASD) is like what its name suggests, bloody amazing! You can use this app to transpose your backing tracks into your key. You can purchase backing tracks from iTunes and then upload the mp3 to the ASD and alter the pitch. You can even slow it down or make it faster.
Here’s a video demonstrating how to download and use the Amazing Slow Downer App. I made this for the students of my online jazz course.
As always, if you have any questions about the apps, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Feel free to leave your question in the comments.
Let me know how you go with these!